Dec 31, 2011

As the year draws to a close...

Well, it's the last day of 2011... where on earth did the year go?
It feels like I blinked and here's 2012 on our doorstep!

I had a peek back at my resolutions made a year back (you can have a peek here if you like)... It'd be nice to say - woohoo, nailed them all... but you know what is wasn't all good but it wasn't all bad. I achieved some to great degrees and others to smaller degrees. All in all though the partial successes have made the whole process worthwhile.

Life has somewhat overtaken my blogging in the latter part of the year... I started it all gung-ho and keen but then found I was struggling to keep up the frenetic pace I'd set myself and was selling myself short in all areas as a result.

Life has been good to me this past year - not perfect, but it's not meant to be. There has been struggles (some that continue) but there have been many, many, sun shiney perfectly blissful days filled with the laughter of my girls and the joy of life in general.

My sweet little bubba's are growing - so quick, too quick! I'm filled with excitement for them but a feeling that's tinged with fear - for the future and what it holds for them, for the loss of innocence and those baby faces and whole hearted belief in absolutely anything you say to them, I fear the harshness that life sometimes holds will tarnish their perfectly trusting souls... and you know what, there's a whole lot of sadness too at a passing of a life stage for me. I don't think the future holds any more little bubba's for me (I can hope but the realist in me says it's not to be) and so with the reaching of every milestone there's a certain sadness in the knowing that I'll most likely never be here at this point again... my Little Little Miss M is now fully toilet trained - no more nappies (diapers!), such a happy and looked forward to happening, not to mention the dollars to now be saved... but it too (however crazy and ironic it may seem) was coloured with that same sadness....

But onward and forward we go... what will 2012 hold? I'm conflicted with feelings of uncertainty today as I write this... it's a little foreign and I can't quite pin it down but uncertain is just how it feels at this very moment about 2012 and what it may hold for me and those I love... but that's what makes life what it is - the uncertainties, the surprises, the expected and not so...

Now for a flash back photo scape of the year that has been for my two most favourite people in the world...

Big Little Miss M           &           Little Little Miss M


The Girls and their Pa on their first trip to the Lake for water skiing


Little Little Miss M... mighty impressed with my offerings of bribery for the perfect photo

My two munchkins

Love this moment... two sisters who love like no other quietly sharing
their home baked cookies


Little Little Miss M turns 2


Big Little Miss M turns 4


Impromptu backyard ballet :)

Kangaroo Bounce bounce bounce... shenanigans at the
local fauna park 

The Ballerina...

...and the beautiful bee


How about them lemons?

Me, oh my!

Big little Miss M in a SpaNGle garment
The girls in some gorgeous SeeSam creations

Love displays of  sisterly affection ♥

Laughing with pure abandon is infectious


A new tradition began... Elfie came to visit

My little ladies loving all things Christmas

The took-all-Christmas-eve-night to put together new beds (Ikea KURA) and bedroom
set up for my girls

...till next year when we meet again! xoxox

Dec 27, 2011

Elfie... the condensed edition ☺

Okay... so I got to day 12 and then we went AWOL! Caught up in the Christmas festivities, the crazy last minute gift buying and the family lunches and more.

If you are a fan of my facebook page... SpaNGle* would have been kept up to date on all the Elfie adventures, escapades, shenanigans and plus a spot of sewing and a sale here and there too!

Head on over and become a 'liker' if you 'like'... It would make me smile and put a little spring in my step (let me know with a wall post that you've come via The Quick Unpick)

So, here's the condensed version of days 12 - 24... we had such fun and I'm soooo glad I've started this tradition for my girls. The magic and innocent belief of children is wondrous! Truly! I'd never even heard of The Elf on the Shelf until this year via one of my internet addictions... Pinterest! Honestly, I want EVERY child to have one... my girls ADORED Elfie and it was amazing to see and hear them leap out of bed each day in search of Elfie!

DAY 12

Elfies 12th day was spent just chillin' in the kitchen fridge freezer... He'd brought along his favourite Christmas scarf and earmuffs and if he closed his eyes it was almost like being home at the North Pole!

DAY 13

And on the 13th day they searched high, they searched low, in cupboards and drawers but Elfie was nowhere to be found indoors. 
So out they ventured and there he was... on the front porch, kicking back soaking up some sun, kitted out in his special SpaNGle* shorts and sunnies... why? Just because!!!

DAY 14

Day 14 and Elfie really is making himself at home... today the girls discovered him happily sewing away in the 'sewing cave' that is SpaNGle*... an unforeseen development was then my two girls debating just what and for who he was sewing!!!

DAY 15

Elfie was found under the Christmas tree proudly showing off his offerings of the day... a gingerbread house for the girls all studded and adorned with some SpaNGle* of the candy variety!!!

DAY 16

Remember day 14? Elfie was found sewing away in SpaNGle* HQ and the girls began to debate and hypothesise about for whom and what was Elfie sewing... well it turns out that Elfie was hard at work putting the finishing touches on their Santa's helpers outfits!!!! 

This morning after slaving away in the sewing cave he was found all curled up asleep in the girls baby doll cradle... all snuggled up amongst the finished garments!

Elfie just knew they'd look gorgeous in their SUPER SpaNGle*y outfits! ;)

DAY 17

And now I guess you want to know about Elfie's 17th day... well, Elfie was so darn tired that on day 17 he decided to take just the smallest of breaks and simply sat around ALL. DAY. and did what he was sent to do - Elfie spent the day simply being the Elf on the Shelf!!!
Rumour has it he was just catching his breath to get ready for the final run to the big day!!!

DAY 18

 Elfie heard we were heading to the city for a family catch up... he'd packed his baubles and a few essentials, warmed up Barbies Jeep and was all set for the drive...

DAY 19

Elfie was found relaxing in a bath of Christmas candies... apparently it's good for Elfies complexion!

DAY 20

Time for a spot of fishing out on the rear deck. He managed to get quite a few hours of fishing in before the girls FINALLY found him!

DAY 21

Today Elfie arrived with some special Magic Elf Seeds (small candy) and instructions to plant them in sugar and to sprinkle with snow (desiccated coconut), leave them awhile to see what will grow.... hmmm I wonder what the seeds will become???

DAY 22

 I was awoken today by my eldest jumping up and down and squealing.... "Mummy, come look! You won't believe your eyes!" So up I stumbled all bleary eyed over to where all the commotion was...

The magic elf seeds! Elfie had watched them grow all night into some truly magical Christmas pops... The girls were bursting with excitement!

(The inside scoop: Elfie was going to go all Martha Stewart and whip up some homemade magic seed products but you know what? It's awful busy this time of year for a little elf... so Martha, you win this round! LOL)

DAY 23

Elfie heard the girls lamenting the fact they did not have any Christmas stockings so this morning he was found just hanging around... in some brand spanking new stockings direct from the North Pole! 

DAY 24

Only one sleep till Christmas and the last morning my girls would wake up to Elfie and his antics for this year...

Much like his welcome breakfast, Elfie had laid out a feast to let the girls know how much he enjoyed being here this December and for them to remember that although he would have to go home when he heard Santa's sleigh bells he would be back next year!

****    ****    ****

So there you have the quick abridged version of Elfie's visit 2011. Have you got an Elf?

I picked mine up from Amazon and he was sent all the way from OS... I could not find a seller in Oz who stocked or had in stock this fabulous Elf and included book!

Follow the link to get your very own Elf on the Shelf - you can buy your own elf in preparation for next year! I can't wait already! 


Cheers & catch you all soon - hope you all had a wonderful and safe Christmas! xo

Dec 12, 2011

Are you all 'elfed' out yet?

DAY 10 & 11 - The Elfie Diaries.

Friday night was night number ten whereupon we have had the pleasure of Elfies company. 

Elfie, himself that night had the pleasure of the company of Barbie, who he took on a lovely, friendly dinner. He donned the suit, polished his good shoes, whipped up supper and as any gentleman should, brought Barbie some beautiful flowers!

It was interesting to see the ever so slight twangs of jealousy in Big Little Miss M who curiously asked, "Mum, why is Elfie being so nice to my toys and not me?"

So that led to the need for DAY 11 to be slightly more interactive and inclusive of the girls... after all Elfie deserves to stay in favour with them doesn't he?

Elfie crept into their room whilst they were peacefully and deeply sleeping. Armed with some bright red paint and a brush Elfie gave the girls bright red noses... just like Rudolph but cuter!

He then painted them a little picture and note:

Before leaving them with a direction to look in the mirror and all the paints so they too could paint and create!

So are you all elfed out? We here are definitely NOT! The girls adore Elfie and I am having such fun with him too. Nothing beats being able to enliven their imaginations and to see the wonder, awe, excitement and sparkle in their eye coupled with the sound of such pure laughter.

Like I'm always saying to my girls, "You make my heart smile" :)

Dec 10, 2011

An Elfie catch me up...

I think Elfie has by far become one of my favourite purchase of the year!

My girls are absolutely taken by him, their first waking thought being of Elfie, where he might be and what he's been up to whilst they slept.

I love Elfie as much as my girls do and am having such fun seeing the excitement and laughter and joy that Elfie has brought with him. (Oh, and I might add, yes there has been a few tears too - My big girl really doesn't want to make the naughty list and this is her first thought upon being reprimanded for anything at the moment... yes, she wails and is quite the drama queen (and I love her for it... she will definitely be my emotional girl who wears her heart on her sleeve), throwing herself onto her bed and through sobs declaring that she's trying to be a good girl.

Little Little Miss M still just wants to give Elfie big squeezy hugs but she seems to understand the no touching rule - much better than I thought she might actually.

EVERY night since Elfie has arrived and still the girls want no other book read to them at night than Elfies 'Elf on the Shelf' book... 
I'm going to know that book by heart, cover to cover by Christmas Eve!

Anyhow, here's the recap on Elfies last few days, the antics, the shenanigans, the adventures, the escapades...

Elfie had been busy making himself a beaded name keepsake... sitting under the tree, just waiting for the girls to wake with enough supplies for them to have a lovely crafty afternoon.

Day 8: 

Now this was a little rushed... you see I was so tired the night before and my little girl was restless and not sleeping. So I lay down with her thinking I would for just a few minutes to help calm her. Well fast forward some 8 or so hours and its 7am and I'm just waking from my 'few minute' lay down.
I woke with the very thought that the girls had been waking with for the past 7 mornings.... "ELFIE!"
I had fallen asleep without moving or setting him up... what to do????

I race out of the room before the girls roll out of bed and stuff Elfie in the laundry hamper thinking he might have to hide outside today... Long story short - the girls searched the house AND the backyard - they were quite concerned that Elfie had not returned from the North Pole.

Lucky whilst they were searching the yard I grabbed the milk, threw in some food die, tucked Elfie into the handle and popped him back in the fridge.

So the girls thought it both relieveing and hilarious that Elfie was in the fridge with some milk he'd turned green.... 

They had green porridge for breakfast and were also both mighty proud of their green milk mo's.


Elfie had gone back to some of his mischievousness ways and pulled an old school prank...
He TP'd the Tree!

Thank you Pinterest for being a wonderful source of inspiration and ideas - I'd struggle to do Elfie without the wonderful contributions from such wonderfully crafty people.

Now to just scheme up another little something for Elfie to do... ☺

Cheers till next time xo

Dec 7, 2011

More of Elfies Antics...

Day 6 (December 6) and Elfie is so, so loved by my girls.

I lie in bed and listen as they bounce out of bed, search the house - each with their own little ditty and chatter going on... there's shuffling, cupboards opening, cupboards closing, a random, "Elllllfiiiiiie?" called out here and there.

And then it happens, a squeal of delight... one calling to the other to share the discovery.

Yep, Elfie has found a little spot not only somewhere about the home each morning but a little spot in the heart of each of my two girls.

A little Christmas magic created, happy memories to treasure - the wide eyed expressions, the chuckles, the little twinkle in their eyes, the respect they are showing that little elf, how for EVERY night since Elfie arrived the only book they want read to them at bedtime is Elfie's book (The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition) - for all these reasons Elfie has found a little spot in my heart too.

And where was he today?

Well today after all that travel to and from the North Pole Elfie clearly needed a little hit of sugar...

...he discovered the girls gumball machine (and no it is not gum in there - I cant imagine giving a 2 and 4 year old gum... well not my two anyhow, I'm not judging anyone who does, how can I really? Is candy coated chocolate any better? Probably not...) and decided it was a good a place as any to spend the day!

The girls thought it was quite amusing (after I reassured them that Elfie truly wouldn't eat all the candy and there would still be some left for them!)

Good times!

So, now I'll be off to see what Elfie is going to get up to tomorrow!

Hope your Christmas season is beginning to fill with Christmas magic too!

Cheers x

Dec 5, 2011

Just hanging around...

Day 5

 Elfie's spent the day just hanging about...

He decided to hitch a ride on the flying bird suspended from the roof in the girls room!

When the girls finally found him (they'd checked the rest of the house before even thinking to look in their own room) they thought is was so hilarious!

Cheers x

Elfies Adventures continue... Day 4

DAY 4: December 4th 
I was a little tired this morning... normally I'm up before the girls but today I over slept and was woken by a bit of a commotion in the kitchen.

Immediately I remembered I'd set Elfie up on the kitchen table... "NO!" I thought as I leaped from bed thinking that I'd find my two girls tugging at either end of Elfies little body - My Little Little Miss M has been oh so desperate to give Elfie a hug, whereas my Big Little Miss M has taken on the role of "Elfie Police" and definitely does not want Elfie to lose his magic abilities by being touched by little sister! I thought for sure they'd be arguing over it...

I was so pleasantly surprised...
Big Little Miss M was telling Elfie off and Little Little Miss M was throwing her two cents in also...
You see today Elfie was a little bit naughty...
He obviously had good intentions when he started off by setting the table with their bowls, cups and the box of Rice Pops. But alas he must have tired and gotten bored of waiting for them to awake.
Instead he'd upended a decent amount of Rice Pops on the table and made snow angels!
That naughty Elfie!

Big Little Miss M helped me diligently clean up and later that morning I even spied her giving Elfie a very 'mum-like' talking to about behaviour and what is and isn't acceptable... hehehee!

If you've an awesome idea for some Elfie antics I'd love to hear them... most of my ideas are coming from Pinterest - yes, pinterest I think I love you!

So, till tomorrow (well actually later today) I'm off to catch some zzz's... 
but not before preparing Elfie for his next morning of elf shenanigans!

Cheers x

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