Here’s a few pictures of yesterdays pillowcase to dress refashion:
My Little little Miss M loves posing for the camera…
… for limited amounts of time only…
… especially since somersaults are so much more fun!!!!
A fantastic tutorial for the easy to make and beautiful silky/organza flowers like the one I have attached to the pictured headband can be found at in the tutorial section, they are great for embellishing almost anything & everything!
Oh, and wouldn’t you know it my Big Little Miss M then wanted to know where her new dress was … (what you do for one, you must do for the other I guess). I told her I’d make her one tonight but alas, it was not good enough so in the sake of fairness (and thanks to luck that even though 23 months separate them my Big Little Miss M is a real skinny minnie) we had to take photo’s of her in the very same dress… oh… and headband…
The dress on her was a little short…
… but she too loves to be a bit of a poser!!!
I had a great find at the local thrift shop (along with picking up a couple more skirts to refashion) I found these fantastic sewing magazines this morning:
Four “Top kids” sewing magazines with the pattern pieces all attached and untouched, and a kids party book… all for the grand total of $2.50…. Happy days
Here’s a little peek in its covers…
although the magazines are a little out-dated there really are some very usable, cute and/or easily updated patterns in them!
Well, even though I said I’d sew a dress tonight I really need to get going on this ‘Dex Hamilton’ costume otherwise it’s never going to get done in time…
What a great pillow case dress!