Are you serious? Look I hate mopping as much as the next time poor mum out there but really???
Cleaning Mop Slipper Shoes - Clean Floors As You Walk
Anyhoo, maybe by the look of my floors I need a pair of these . . . or not!
At the moment I have a great big, HUMUNGOUS pot of home made tomato sauce bubbling away on the stove . . .
This is the first time I've attempted home made tomato sauce and I'm using a recipe of my mother in laws. The upside? It smells somewhat divine in my kitchen right now. The not so upside? It's as watery as anything (and it this is due to my own error in preparation - I'll tell you about it when I do my big tomato sauce reveal ☺ ) and my google escapades lead me to believe this can be solved by more simmering . . . not so bad you say . . . well one suggested simmering for approximately 12 hours!!! It's already past midnight and I have no desire to spend the night stirring my pot. Is it bad to just turn it off, sit it in the oven and revisit it early in the morning? If I had a massive crock pot I'd just throw it all in there . . . hmmm.
Hopefully my next post will be showing off some gorgeously bottled and delicious home made tomato sauce!!!

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