WIN! WIN! WIN! Win your very own SpaNGle* hand made Bit of Whimsy Doll... especially made just for the little princess in your life.... Stop by my Facebook page: SpaNGle* to find out how to enter!!!!

***UPDATE***: This giveway will be open until the 13th February and entry is as simple as clicking on this link:
and LIKING my fitness tip comment... I will compile a list of all entrants on the 13th and assign each liker a number and then generate the winner via ...If you want to be extra nice and make me even happier why not stop by my FB page and like it too!!!
Cheers xo
Oh, and I so promise that very soon I will get back into the swing of regular blogging and more free tutorials ☺

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Hi and thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment... I just love reader feedback - and I also love replying via email...but you need to have a visible email in your account settings for me to do this, otherwise just know that I do read your comments and do appreciate them... Be sure to drop by again soon - I love the company ☺