I have for a long time eyed off the Sugar City Village Frock with such envy and disappointment that the pattern is no longer available... Such a gorgeous and unique, somewhat retro style that makes me want one in my own size! This dress pattern truly seems to have a cult following!
Some time back, through the kindness and amazing generosity of another fellow blogger - from the other side of the globe no less - (who at this point shall remain nameless, lest she be absolutely bombarded with pleading requests!) I was able to have a lend of this amazing pattern to whip up a Village Frock for my Big Little Miss M... ah LOVE! My somewhat crazy love affair with this dress is now complete - although I know I will be making both my girls more of this super cute, very trendy dress!
And to the gorgeous blogger who sent the pattern all the way across the ocean - you know who you are - I have a surprise on its way as a very grateful THANK YOU!
Here's my big girls VERY OWN Sugar City designed Village Frock:
The fabric is a super soft, light weight, black and white herringbone fabric which just drapes BEAUTIFULLY... however is a bit of a pain to cut and sew - being a soft woven fabric it tended to move a bit much like cutting and sewing satin of all things (strangely); it also suffers terribly from excessive fraying... nothing a quick serge on all the seams didn't fix, but it still made all the gathering just a little more interesting ☺.
Here's a close up of the fabric and the amazingly cute ladybug buttons:
And on the dress:
A little more Village Frock love:
And just because my other little munchkin is a lil cutie patootie too.... Little Little Miss M:
Bad camera shot/settings... but still gorgeous...

Sharing this little project over at these fabulous linky parties....
Sew Can Do
It is years since I had a little girl to sew for..though my eldest is about to marry a girl whose brother has the most adorable 2, nearly 3 year old..so I may be able to do a bit of sewing for her! Your little girl in the Village Frock looks very sweet..lovely dress.
ReplyDeleteI love that dress, especially the fabric choice. It is such a popular pattern, I'm glad you got a copy of it.
ReplyDeleteYes I do have an unhealthy love affair with just THIS PATTERN! I would do just about anything to get a copy of it!! Yours is lovely! Both girls are as cute as can be!
ReplyDelete(If you wanted to share a copy/tracing with one of the rest of us frock-less souls, my email is j-j-s AT juno DOT com) ;)
I so love (really an obsession) the fabulous village frock! So sad it is sold out and really never to be reprinted! How did you get so lucky to get it? Your girls are gorgeous and clever little fashionistas! If you would like to pay it forward let me know! :-) I think I would wee my pants if I got a copy! Thanks for your blog!
ReplyDeleteRonica (ronica.evs@gmail.com)
I know this post is old, but I would also LOVE to get my itchy hands on this pattern! I have 3 girls, 2, 4 & 6 and I'm dying to make one, or three! If you felt so generous as to share your copy, I would definitely make sure to send some love back in your direction! Your blog is wonderful, and your frock is one of the cutest I've seen! amyfarnsworth@live.com. Would be willing to share my blog over email, so you know I'm not a wierdo :)
ReplyDeleteI have been looking everywhere for this pattern too - happy to pay for copying and postage if there is a way it could find itself in Melbourne Australia
ReplyDeleteLove the grey and red combo.
Nice work on the dress, oh and the kid is beyond lovely!
westwick AT bigpond.com
I desperately seek this pattern as well! Would you sell your copy? Please let me know, if you would.
ReplyDeleteTanja (t.teusch@gmail.com)
Also looking to get ahold of this pattern, if you please! Be it sharing, selling or referring to somebody else. Adriana (gldadl@hotmail.com)
ReplyDeleteDo you know if this is available anywhere? I would love to find it.
Do you know if this is available anywhere? I would love to find it.
I have looked for this pattern everywhere. Every so often I run down ebay as well in hopes one will come up. Is there anyway to get a tracing? angelpanther@yahoo.com