Wow... where did the last 2 weeks go? I feel like they just flew by and my poor neglected blog has just sat idle... waiting... waiting... waiting for a new post!
Well, I am still here - trying to sort things and really get organised so that I can manage not only my blog and my online selling of handmade SpaNGle* items but the most important thing of all... homelife with my gorgeous girls and husband. I think I need to come up with a timetable of sorts because lately it seems that one thing bleeds into another and the result is that none of my endeavours or family are really getting the attention they need or deserve.
The house is a mess... it's cold and miserable outside... we are all getting our second round of colds for the year... and yep, this early taste of winter is causing a little of the winter blues to set in!
So, give me a few more days (I've got a bundle of sewing orders to get through), I will be working on a timetable/schedule for day to day things - because it's come to the point that if I don't have one I'm just not going to get things done... and not getting things done is really stressful!
And then, hopefully I'll be back with a vengeance (and a whole lot of newly inspired creations to share) and a plan... after all one of my resolutions was to become more organised this year and at present it's looking like a fail!
I guess we all go through periods where everything kind of takes over and it feels like everything is hurtling along with no real direction or control - I just need to stop, take a breath, look around and find some focus again ☺
In the meantime... here's a few inspiring photo's and links to some really awesome projects and ideas I've come across on Pinterest...
The DIY fingerprint Jewellery tutorial over at Sara Hortega's Photography Blog I am going to have to find time to try this! I've always wanted my girls fingerprints on some jewellery - and this is definitely a cost effective way of achieving some!

And because it will be soon Little Little Miss M's second birthday and a month later Big Little Miss M's fourth birthday I'm starting to think about all things birthday and party....
These Chocolate Party Spoons will definitely be making an appearance at Big Little Miss M's party! The how to on making these simple but stunning party treats can be found at Delicious Delicious Delicious

This teapot cake will be my inspiration for Big Little Miss M's cake this year... I don't know the original source site for this photo but if you do I'd love know because they've done a gorgeous job with this cake creation!
Some party favour cones that can be found at this Finnish site - I think these would look fab in pinks hung above a candy buffet...

So Cheers for now and I'll be back really soon... if time continues to fly along like it has been lately it'll be before you (and I) know it...

I know you'll work it all out. I find that every so often I have to rethink my timetable etc and as the kids grow new priorities emerge in the life of a family! I love your party ideas, especially the choc spoons..simple and so pretty and delicious.