May 15, 2012

Instagram: my quasi-new obsession

Okay, no sewing projects... well, no completed ones anyway... to show you all - but there's a couple that are almost there! 

I know, I know... it seems I'm just stringing you all (well, that's if there's anyone out there reading) along...

Hmm... does it irritate you that I totally abuse, misuse and thoroughly overuse ellipses to the point of ridiculousness?

Do you have a favourite grammatical word or punctuation mark that you love to use... both appropriately and inappropriately (and we're just talking typing here people!)...or are you, God-forbid, an unabashedly proud member of the grammar police? (I'd have probably lost you long ago, I'm thinking if you were... maybe?)


Onto Instagram, my new love... have I ever told you that I think I have a slightly obsessive, addictive trait? I find something new... a hobby, a website, gadget, a recipe - whatever... and it's my new in-thing till something newer, better, faster, or tastier takes my fancy... lucky my scope is fairly tame and lightly fanciful in this regard (does that even make sense? It does to me so I hope you get me... basically I am a creature of habit and loyalty with regard to the serious, heavy things in life but not so with the inconsequential...*sigh* Instagram)

Loving taking snaps and, if you've been reading along, taking part in FatMumSlims May photo challenge... 

So here's the last three days:

Day 13: Mothers day with the very appropriate trigger word - Mum...
Here's a snap of my gorgeous Mum... 

Day 14: Grass... of the lawn variety
So, here's a little patch of my back yard... along with a dandelion that was feeling a little like I was yesterday - all wished out!

And today, day 15: Love
My engagement, wedding and eternity rings.

♥An engagement band in anticipation of a future together...
♥A wedding band to promise to create just that...
♥An eternity ring for the birth of each of our daughters - the continuation of our future

By the way, and just because it feels right to say... Love is hard work in the real world - I don't think it's meant to be easy, even if I wish it were at times... I don't speak much of my husband on here - not for too many reasons other than I guess that this is MY little space, my time out from the real world - one of kiddie tantrums, grown up tantrums, bills to pay, dishes to wash, laundry, laundry and more laundry... and okay, lots of laughing, baking and finger painting too - I'm just a little private I guess with the super personal stuff and the hubs is even more private and basically I'm just not one to air dirty laundry... or super, sparkly, blind yourself bleachy clean laundry for that matter... oh, and there is also that thing with irrevocable and forever there internet reach... but just so you know - he exists, he's very special, he's a fantastical hand's on dad, he's very much a part of my everyday and I do love him hugely (even though and despite how he tells me I now have my life's quota of bling)!

Now back to my love of the moment - Instagram...

There's just one thing that Instagram has caused me to ponder, and that is why has my actual camera - you know that thing that's a bit bigger, and clunkier, and is purely designed for one thing only... taking photo's - become so redundant... It is presently my most expensive dust collector around here... often it seems my phone is able to produce nicer, sharper and more pleasing photo's; not to mention much easier to edit and play around with... the jury is out on whether I'm glad for this fact or not... 

Or maybe I just need a fancier (aka more expensive) camera? Oohhh, I can dream about it at least!

Okay, I think I've rambled, gibbered and scattered my thoughts about here enough for tonight... it's time I got some sewing projects done!


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